This Week's Throwback
23rd and Life
There’s a man I watch while sitting upon my stoop
A beggar, a bum, I call him a snoop
Waiting in patience for you to dispose of your trash
Rifling through your garbage uncovering every last…
Bit of rejected information and morsel of rejected food
His teeth gnash in an animalistic way
Face paint made of soot turned grey
Tense muscles ready to flee
Death grips hands, in which the contents you’ll never see
A constant scowl broadcasts his unfriendly mood
I can’t imagine the steel gut digesting such scraps
It must be in the likeness of an acid tomb filled with rats
I watch and I learn the habits of a maniac
Once a sane man, thrown off track
His demeanor is now nothing but rude
The man I see, seems not to be, too far from who I am. I don’t know if that makes me a wolf or him a man?